Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 1- The Ordinary Obscurities of Logan C Meyers

So apparently, this “thirty day blogger” thingy-majigger has been going around and a lot of people are “jumping on the band-wagon” and blogging about specific topics for thirty consecutive days. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I only follow a total of four blogs, so I was completely unaware of this “goal.”

Lately I’ve wanted to write very badly. The problem is that everything I want to blog about is either too personal for the internet, or things that people just don’t care about. So, I guess I’ll do it, at least until I get sick of it.

“Day 1- Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself”

I don’t take many pictures these days, and I’m in even less. I don’t know why that is.

This picture was taken I few weeks ago at Lagoon. It was a great day. I even ate an Oreo, and I don’t even like Oreos.

Now. The 15 interesting facts about me. Huh? Looking over the list of future blogs for these next thirty days, it looks like it’s going to be hard to not mention things now that will be mentioned in later blogs. I’ll try:

  1. Ever since I move the Orem, Utah, I can’t help but notice how attractive people are. It’s crazy. Now, I’m not saying that I’m sexually attracted to every person I see in Utah Valley, or even that I’m sexually attracted to anyone in Utah Valley. However, what I am saying is that everyone in this area takes good care of themselves. Everyone’s jogging, everyone’s eating salads, and everyone’s spending thousands of dollars on clothes every year… Either that or this really is “Zion.” I just feel bad for the uglies.
  2. Right now, I’m long boarding more than ever in my life, and I give 100% of the credit to being in college. All I need are some thick(er) rimmed glasses and love for BYU football, and I’ll be a part of every local social circle.
  3. Lately, I really like doing puzzles. I mean, I’ve always liked doing puzzles. The problem was that no one would do them with me. But now that I’ve convinced Michael of the benefits of putting together puzzles, it’s an activity of growing popularity. I like doing puzzles of cats, dragons, dinosaurs, and Jesus.
  4. Speaking of Jesus. Ever since I moved to “The Bubble,” I talk about Jesus a lot. Not in the way that everyone else is talking about Jesus though. I like to push the limits, and see what I can say about Jesus (while only being partially sacrilegious) before people start to get uncomfortable. This is definitely my favorite thing about living here. This is ENTIRELY Rachel’s fault. Thanks.
  5. As many know, a lot of my time is occupied by leisurely listening to music. Not just in my car either. One of the most used electronic accessories in my home is the computer speakers in my living room. It’s not unusual for me to sit on the couch and do nothing but listen to music. Maybe it’s because I don’t have cable television or internet access…
  6. I wish I had more time to draw. Actually, I wish I had more motivation to draw. I’ve got plenty of time. I think it’s kind of too bad that once I became an art major, I stopped caring about my art. Mostly just because art became an assignment. I hope that won’t happen with audio production, but I’m sure it will.
  7. I’ve been very fortunate with employment. I’ve also been very fortunate with unemployment. But anyway, what I’m getting at is that I’ve loved almost every job I’ve ever had. The Ammon Pool, Best Buy, and even the Aquatic Center. They were all pretty great. The only job that I’ve ever had that I absolutely hated was Shopko. It was terrible.
  8. I’ve got two tattoos that only a handful of people know about. One tattoo is my homage to my time at the Ammon Pool, and the other signifies my dedication to my friends. I like theme (I meant to write “them”… But I also like “theme,” so I’ll leave the typo). During my early to mid-teen years, I always wanted to get a tattoo. During my late-teen years, I wanted to wait to see which direction my life would take before I got a tattoo. By the time I turned twenty, I knew that someday I would have a tattoo. Now I have a couple tattoos.
  9. Some nights I get really scared. I guess you could say that I’m afraid of the dark. I hate lying in my empty, silent room at 3:33am. It’s the worst. I usually just close my eyes and ignore the time.
  10. My “bucket list” is comprised of things that I’ve already done. I just want to do these things again so that I can appreciate them more the second or third time around.
  11. When I visit my home town I still feel like a “townie”, even though I’ve lived outside of Idaho Falls for two years since graduation.
  12. Another new development since I’ve lived in Orem is my love for Independent Newspapers. I love them. Weekly, I read the independent school news paper (The V), City Weekly, Provo’s The Vanguard, and Salt Lake Underground (SLUG). If you know of any other good local, independent newspapers, send them this way!
  13. I really hope my mom reads my blog.
  14. I’m still obsessed with Lost. The series ended eight months ago, but I still like watching it noticing things I didn’t notice the first time around. I also read Lost literature. This makes me feel like the Lost equivalent of a Trekie. However, embarrassingly enough, I can’t imagine me watching Lost more regularly than I watch The OC.
  15. For the past two years, I’ve been VERY into PostSecret ( When I meet someone that also loves PostSecret, I automatically love them. I save the PostSeccrets that I feel relate to me in one way or another, and when I’m feeling down, I go through my hundreds of PostSecrets and consider reconciling my relationships, but obviously, I never do.

How’s that? Good enough? That’s what I though.


    You're a great writer, my friend. :)

  2. All I have to say Logan, is that you are still an amazing friend.
