Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I always did hate the number eleven- Day 7

I walk to school every morning. It's fortunate and unfortunate. It's about a mile, so it gives me some good cardio exercise, and I don't have to deal with public transportation, which I like.
However, this morning when I woke up, bright n' early, for my 8:30am class it was 11 degrees fahrenheit with an 11 mph wind chill.
I havent been to my 8:30 class in over a week, so I decided it was necessary to go.
It was a really terrible walk.

After school and work today I went to Kaysville to hang out with my mother, grandmother, and female cousin. it was a bit of a girls night... So I man'd it up and ordered my first stake either. But it was obsoleet because all the women ordered stake also.
Oh well, I was just happy to be in the right company.
Besides, I was the only one to finish the stake.

On my way back to Orem, my friend, Nina, called me and said that the gang is going out to ice cream, so I jumped at that opportunity.
I didn't get any ice cream, but I shared with McKall, and we dug for cheesecake treasure in her ice cream... There where only two pieces! SHE GOT JIPPED!

It was a good day.